Sunday, September 23, 2012

Trunk Or Treat

Plan on SAVING THE DATE of October 28 in the evening, for FCC's "Trunk Or Treat"--a fun night of "tailgating" and handing out SUGAR to all the little kiddos who come by!  What is ToT?  Well--check out this blog here for some pictures/ideas of what others come up with.  Kids will go from trunk-to-trunk (or tailgate to tailgate) to gather candy, instead of "door-to-door."  We are inviting all church members/attendees to be involved in this event!  I'd LOVE to have the Student Ministries be involved in at least ONE vehicle, so put your thinking caps on--it could be our own original idea or "copy-cat" off of something we find online/Pinterest, etc. Begin grabbing a bag of candy here or there, when you're at the store, to start our stash of goodies for the kiddos!

This was a cute idea--handing out fruit juice instead of candy-in an Hawaiian theme:

A rain forest! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

DNow Approaching

Find DNow on Facebook.  Like it.

Are you --or your student--planning on attending?  Leave me a comment here or drop me an email to let me know if you're planning on it!  Lots of planning goes into a weekend like this--I want to be sure I'm planning for ACTUAL PEOPLE! ;o)  And students--if you have jobs--this is the time to ask off of work for that weekend NOW!

$35.  Don't let $$ stop ya!  Contact me with any questions!

Jessi <><

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Disciple Now (D-Now)

This year's Disciple Now (DNow) will be October 19-21 and our theme is "Awakening".  Sarasota Baptist (Lakewood Ranch Campus) is hosting this event.  We will travel as a group-details to come as registration numbers are turned in.

DNow was launched locally over 5-6 years ago by many youth leaders that I (Jessi) have been on staff with at my previous church. As of August, there are now 25 different churches in the area who are bringing their students to this event hosted by Sarasota Baptist of Lakewood Ranch! We are so blessed to be able to attend such an amazing event IN TOWN! Students will stay in host homes and the cost is $35 for the whole weekend (more details to follow soon!)  Right now, the plan is to have one host home (The Wilson's have opened their home to us--THANK YOU!!!).  I will be asking for parents to help provide snacks and breakfast foods for the weekend.

A peak at the Conference Sessions:

Session 1 - Personal awakening - what does it look like for students to awaken to the fullness of life that belongs to those who are in Christ?
Session 2 - Church awakening - those who are in Christ are the church. What does it look like for us to live as a unified Church in Sarasota/in our schools (and beyond?)
Session 3 - Campus awakening - What will it take for us to awaken to Christ, unify as a church and feel the urgency to reach our schools for Christ? Challenging students to DO SOMETHING NOW that is greater than anything most of them have imagined possible.

Our speaker for the weekend is Brad Fogarty and our worship leader will be The Chris Coleman Band. Find The Chris Coleman Band on Facebook and "Like" them! ;o)

And how COOOOOOL is it, that their theme entertwines with See You at the Pole's theme this year!??!!

If you are interested in inviting a friend to attend, please begin to share this information NOW--you'll probably run into TONS of your friends from schools with over 25 churches represented!

A New Beginning

Welcome Students and Parents!  I want to use this forum as a place to keep everyone up-to-date on events, studies, service projects and other events we will be involved in at First Christian Church.  Not everyone uses Facebook, so I wanted to create a place where anyone can "check in" to see if there's a schedule change, etc. for the week, etc.

I am excited to join the Staff at FCC as we stand at the edge of NEW BEGINNINGS!  Be sure to invite your friends---and your children's friends (and families) to our new Contemporary Service that is being launched on September 23rd!!  With a new Children's Ministry Director (Mary Murray) beginning a new program for children PreK4-5th Grade and my new position focusing on our teens-we are praying that God grows our church with families who are desiring to bring up their children in the ways of the Lord, so that when they grow up, they will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6).

If you know of families that you would like for any of our Staff to contact, please drop me a line at: and I will see that one of us reaches out to your friends.

Blessings to you and your family--as we begin this NEW JOURNEY together!!!

Stay tuned to hear what SRQ:11 means and what Fall 2012 has in store!

Jessi <><