Sunday, October 14, 2012

October Happenings!

WOW--tomorrow is the 1/2 way mark to October and I haven't posted this month!  It's been a full month already and still much ahead:

This weekend is DNow!  YEAH!  Stay tuned for pix!

Sunday, October 28th is our church's Trunk-Or-Treat!  The students are busy prepping our props, pieces for our "SWEET" theme! ;o)

If you haven't gotten me $$ for DNow--you MUST have it to me this week!  I'm picking up tickets this week!

We still need food/junk food, etc. for the weekend (nights at Wilson's).  Email me for more info: .

Due to a personal illness--our first "official" launch of our Fall Study "Courageous" had to be postponed--but mark.your.calenders.NOW--November 4th--Sunday--after church--same plan--Movie intro, get your notebooks and book for this a pizza lunch:  12-2:30 p.m.

(How 'bout THIS for a choice of candy, RM?)  :o)  WOW!